EC Partners

EC Vancouver Pre-Arrival to First Day


EC Vancouver

570 Dunsmuir Street, 
Suite 300, Vancouver,
BC V6B1Y1,


+1 604 683 1199
(Mon-Fri, 8:15am – 6:00pm)

Emergency Number

For use outside of office hours only

Opening Hours
Monday 08:30 - 16:30 GMT-7
Tuesday 08:00 - 16:30 GMT-7
Wednesday 08:00 - 16:30 GMT-7
Thursday 08:00 - 16:30 GMT-7
Friday 08:00 - 16:30 GMT-7
Sunday Closed



What is MyEC? 
MyEC is a personalized study tool and powerful learning companion throughout your EC journey. It also offers information about your EC centre, accommodation and information about living in your chosen destination.

Your Online Placement Test

  • To help us place you in the right level when you start studying with us, you must complete your Online Placement test before you arrive at school. 
  • If you do not complete this test before your first day, you may miss some of the first day activities and/or class time as this test must be completed before you start class. 
  • The Online Placement Test focuses on Reading, Writing and Use of English (Grammar and Vocabulary) and consists of 66 questions. 
  • Your speaking level will be assessed on your first day in school 
  • For the instructions on how to complete your Online Placement Test, please go to

When can I access MyEC? 
You will have access to MyEC when you receive your booking confirmation. Start by logging in here:

What else must I do on MyEC before my arrival? 
  • Complete your Important Personal Details Form
  • Download Microsoft Teams
  • Complete your Needs Analysis Form
  • Complete your placement test  
  • Fill in the pre-arrival survey
  • Access a bank of study materials to start learning before you even leave home


Arrival at Airport

All students under 19 years old must book return airport transfers if arriving and departing between 8:00 pm and 8:00 am

Who will I meet at the airport?
If you booked a transfer, an EC Representative will be waiting for you at the Vancouver Airport in the designated meeting points described below. Please check if your flight arrives at the International or the Domestic Terminal as the meeting points are different and refer to the detailed instructions below.

What should I do if I cannot find the EC representative?
If after 10 minutes you cannot see the EC representative, just call +1 604.988.7639 or text/WhatsApp +1.778.773.5466 (from the public phone, information desk or a mobile phone). Useful phrase to use: Hi, My name is (Maria Angeli). I am from (Italy). My student number is (123456). I cannot find my EC representative. I am at the information desk.

What should I do if I have missed my flight or my flight is delayed?
If your flight has changed or you missed your flight you should notify EC Transfer Representative by calling +1 604.988.7639 or text/WhatsApp +1.778.773.5466 (from the information desk or a mobile phone) to rearrange your transfer time and avoid additional cost. Useful phrase to use: My name is (Maria Angeli). I am from (Italy). My student number is (123456) and my flight has been changed. My new flight number is (1234) arriving at (time). 
If your flight has been delayed but you will come in the same flight (flight number did not change) you do not need to call us.

What should I do if I haven’t booked an EC transfer?
Take the SkyTrain, Canada Line. This will bring you to a number of different transportation stations in order for you to make your way to your accommodation. You can also take a taxi from right outside the airport. All taxis have fixed fares depending on your destination. You can find out your fare by looking at

Arrival at EC Accommodation

What should I expect at my EC accommodation? 
We are planning to offer homestay accommodation.


First Sunday Activities

What should I do on the Sunday before school starts?

You will have the option of participating in activities arranged by EC. This is an opportunity to meet other new EC students, relax and be introduced to your new city together. With an EC staff member on hand, you can also ask any questions you may have. We will notify you of the Sunday activity schedule around 2 weeks before you start school.

Your First Day at School

How can I find my way to school?
You can find this information on your EC Accommodation Profile, or feel free to ask your host family.

What if I haven’t booked EC accommodation? 

There are a number of different SkyTrain lines that arrive at the school
– Canada Line (Vancouver City Centre Station)
– Millennium Line (Granville Street Station)
– Expo Line (Granville Street Station)
There are also a number of different bus routes that will take you here.

You can use the Trip Planner and enter in the school address as your destination.

What time should I arrive?
School hours: 8am – 4:30pm.

Before your first day, EC Vancouver will email you to confirm your arrival time.

Address: 570 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver, V6B 1Y1. Press #300 on the door buzzer, and someone will meet you

What should I bring with me?
It’s important to bring the following with you on your first day:

  • Visa and passport
  • Proof of health insurance covering the length of programme. This is required for you to start lessons
  • Your own notebook, pens, and laptop/ mobile tablet

What can I expect on my first day? 

We can assure you that all students will still be met with a warm welcome from the school.

What will my timetable be? 

You will receive your timetable and books at the school. This will consist of:
  • Face-to-face Core classes
  • Special Focus classes

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens on public holidays? 
Schools do not open on public holidays, so if Monday is a public holiday, your first day at the school will be on Tuesday. Public holidays are listed below:

2025 Public holidays on a weekday

01 Jan, 17 Feb, 18 Apr, 19 May, 01 Jul, 04 Aug, 01 Sep, 30 Sep, 13 Oct, 11 Nov, 25 Dec & 26 Dec

What do I do if public transportation is temporarily unavailable?  
In case of bad weather, public transport strikes etc, please check the EC Vancouver page on social media or Teams for any important updates.


What will my timetable be?

This is a sample timetable, times may change and are not guaranteed. For more information, please refer to the price list.

General English (20 lessons/week) : Core Classes (Mon-Fri)
Semi-Intensive English (24 lessons/week) : Core Classes (Mon-Fri) & Special Focus Classes (Tue & Thu)

Semi-Intensive English (26 lessons/week) : Core Classes (Mon-Fri) & Special Focus Classes (Mon, Wed & Fri) available in all 30+ schools and adult
schools in Canada and USA
Intensive English (30 lessons/week) : Core Classes (Mon-Fri) & Special Focus Classes (Mon-Fri)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
09:00 - 10:30 Core Class A Core Class B Core Class A Core Class B Core Class A
10:30 - 10:45 Break
10:45 - 12:15 Core Class A Core Class B Core Class A Core Class B Core Class A
12:15 - 12:45 Break
12:45 - 14:15 Special Focus
Special Focus
Special Focus
Special Focus
Special Focus
14:15 - 14:30 Break
14:30 - 16:00 Core Class B Core Class A Core Class B Core Class A Core Class B
16:00 - 16:15 Break
16:15 - 17:45 Core Class B Core Class A Core Class B Core Class A Core Class B

Your opinion matter!

Please take a moment to complete our brief 3-question survey to share your feedback on how we can improve the Destination pages.